Christian Education and Formation at St. John’s Oneida
It is our faithful intention that all parishioners have opportunities to grow in faith and wisdom, including even our youngest ones! We offer various learning and discussion experiences, and are always interested in adding more as they are suggested. Below are some of our current and continuing offerings. Can you find something which interests you?
If you have been baptized into the life of Christ and the church, but still feel unsure about what you believe in your heart, confirmation may be just what you need! The parish priest, often assisted by faithful parishioners, will meet with you for several sessions to consider the liturgy and the beliefs of the Episcopal Church. At the completion of these sessions, the diocesan bishop will “confirm” your baptismal initiation with the laying on of hands, and you will publically renew your baptismal vows. Yay!
Children’s Worship
Children are always welcome at St. John’s worship services, and we love to hear their exuberant young voices, even during the sermon! When children are present they have forty-five minutes of Sunday School activities before re-joining their families for Holy Eucharist. Two teachers in our “one-room-Sunday-school” are trained in the diocesan “safe-church” procedures. Our lessons and activities are based on the three year scripture Lectionary selections for each week, and our primary focus is on experiences which will model God’s love and the joy it stimulates.
Bible Study
Reflecting on passages from Holy Scripture is a thought-provoking way to explore our faith, and the discussions we have are both educational and personal. The narratives in the Bible famously touch our hearts and minds on multiple levels as our daily lives intersect with the great mysteries and reassurances of faith. Reading Bible together is a wonderful way to build our confidence as we work out the challenges and ministries of our life and times.
Education for Ministry
EFM is a four year lay-ministry course which prepares its participants with background in scripture, church history, theology, and current issues of faith. It is designed and directed by the University of the South in Sewannee, Tennessee and its seminary faculty. Participants are welcomed into seminar groups of 8 – 12 led by trained mentors. EFM graduates often find that this foundational experience has helped prepare them for parish leadership as well as personal ministries.
Many of our parishioners have participated in formational Cursillo weekends and afterwards meet in small groups for prayer and enrichment. Cursillo is a program of the national Episcopal Church which is directed by local diocesan volunteers, and is devoted to sharing the love and ministries of Jesus. Participants, who call themselves Cursillistas, grow their faithfulness through a steady diet of study, piety, and action. Oh, and they love to sing praise songs!
Lenten Programs
As is customary in many churches, St. John’s offers special opportunities for prayer and study during the season of Lent. Each year, we try to prepare a plan which takes the parish beyond the commonplace and into the profound. Come and see!
Learning Communities Initiative
A team of St. John’s parishioners, bolstered by attendance at diocesan workshops, is leading the parish through a program meant to increase and improve relationship within and beyond our usual comfort zone. By developing our listening skills, planning particular activities, and reflecting on our progress, the team is faithfully guiding us through this new adventure!